Meet the Team

Additional thanks to the following individuals for their support of the IPV EDUCATE Program:
Anita Acai, Anthony Adili, Gina Agarwal, Erin Baker, Richard E. Buckley, Ari Collerman, Deborah J. Cook, Kayla Cyr, Vanina Dal Bello–Haas, Greg Della Rocca, Samir Faidi, Andrew Furey, Sarah Resendes Gilbert, Jeremy A. Hall, Tanja Harrison, Diane Heels-Ansdell, Herman Johal, Nneka MacGregor, Norma MacIntyre, Melanie MacNevin, Kim Madden, Paula McKay, Franca Mossuto, Aaron Nauth, Nathan O’Hara, Brad Petrisor, Angela Reitsma, Emil H. Schemitsch, Patricia Schneider, Prism Schneider, Leah Schultz, Taryn Scott, Debra L. Sietsema, Patricia Solomon, Gerard P. Slobogean, Aparna Swaminathan, Lehana Thabane, Douglas Thomson, Diana Tikasz, Milena Vicente, Trinity Wittman, Andrew Worster and Bob Zura.

Hear from the Champions

In my opinion, the greatest benefit of the EDUCATE program is that it familiarizes health care professionals (and especially orthopaedic surgeons like me) with how to ask patients about intimate partner violence and, more importantly, how to respond to a positive disclosure. 

It creates comfort with addressing the issue and alerts us to resources available (for victims of IPV as well as for health care professionals), thereby eliminating major barriers to inquiry by surgeons of injured female patients presenting to orthopaedic clinics.

Greg Della Rocca (MD,PhD)

Bringing the EDUCATE program to the fracture clinic has been a very rewarding experience. This program has helped our team become much more comfortable asking patients about intimate partner violence and providing essential lines of communication with community and hospital services as well as immediate help if necessary.

I strongly encourage all fracture clinics to partake in this program for the benefit of their patients.

Brad Petrisor (MD, MSc, FRCSC)

Serving as Champion for the EDUCATE program was a great experience. The program was enthusiastically received and the feedback provided to me by front line health care professionals was overwhelmingly positive.

Lynn Vicente (RN, CCRP)

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Anthony Adili


There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that intimate partner violence has profound effects on its victims. As physicians, we spend our lives learning how best to ‘treat the patient’ and not simply the disease.

After my involvement and training to be a champion for IPV at our site, it became clear to me that there was a significant portion of my patients that could benefit from my help in their struggle to identify, define, and deal with IPV. Offering our patients help with dealing with IPV is no different than routine screening for osteoporosis risk factors – it is simply the right thing to do for our patients.

The training to become a champion was not onerous at all, and it quickly provided me with the tools and confidence to identify and help patients who suffer from IPV. The whole experience with EDCUATE was both personally and professionally rewarding, and I would encourage anyone who has a chance to be involved to seize the opportunity – your patients and staff will thank you!