Intimate Partner Violence During Recovery from an Orthopaedic Injury An Exploratory, Prospective, Multicenter, Observational Cohort Study.
August 2021
Intimate partner violence (IPV) in male and female orthopaedic trauma patients: a multicentre, cross-sectional prevalence study.
September 2020
Top 10 Things Every Radiologist Needs to Know About Intimate Partner Violence.
October 2019
A Qualitative Evaluation of the Implementation of an Intimate Partner Violence Education Program in Fracture Clinics.
December 2018
Novel educational program improves readiness to manage intimate partner violence within the fracture clinic: a pretest–posttest study.
June 2018
Prospective evaluation of intimate partner violence in fracture clinics (PRAISE-2): protocol for a multicentre pilot prospective cohort study.
December 2017
A scoping review of intimate partner violence educational programs for health care professionals.
May 2017
A scoping review of intimate partner violence assistance programmes within health care settings.
December 2016
A Scoping Review of Intimate Partner Violence Screening Programs for Health Care Professionals.
September 2016
Cochrane in CORR (®): Screening Women for Intimate Partner Violence in Healthcare Settings (Review).
August 2016
Prevalence of Intimate Partner Violence Among South Asian Women Living in Southern Ontario.
July 2016
Knowledge Dissemination of Intimate Partner Violence Intervention Studies Measured Using Alternative Metrics: Results From a Scoping Review.
April 2016
Outcome Measures for Evaluating Intimate Partner Violence Programs Within Clinical Settings: A Systematic Review of the Literature.
July 2015
Orthopaedic Trainees Retain Knowledge After a Partner Abuse Course: An Education Study.
July 2015
De prevalentie van partnergeweld bij vrouwen die de poliklinieken Traumachirurgie/Orthopedie bezoeken in het AMC Amsterdam en het OLVG.
April 2015
Orthopaedic Trainees Retain Knowledge After a Partner Abuse Course: An Education Study.
January 2015
A comparison of the types of screening tool administration methods used for the detection of intimate partner violence: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
January 2015
Media coverage of violence against women in India: a systematic study of a high profile rape case.
September 2014
Predictors of change in mental health and distress among women attending a women’s shelter.
September 2014
Intimate Partner Violence and Mental Health.
January 2014
Prevalence of intimate partner violence across medical and surgical health care settings: a systematic review.
September 2013
Prevalence of abuse and intimate partner violence surgical evaluation (PRAISE) in orthopaedic fracture clinics: a multinational prevalence study.
July 2013
Patient opinions of screening for intimate partner violence in a fracture clinic setting: P.O.S.I.T.I.V.E.: a multicenter study.
May 2013
Feasibility of screening for intimate partner violence at orthopedic trauma hospitals in India.
April 2013
Orthopaedic surgeons’ knowledge and misconceptions in the identification of intimate partner violence against women.
January 2013
Perceptions of intimate partner violence: a cross sectional survey of surgical residents and medical students.
October 2012
Barriers to and facilitators for screening women for intimate partner violence in surgical fracture clinics: a qualitative descriptive approach.
September 2012
Intimate partner violence and Musculoskeletal injury: bridging the knowledge gap in Orthopaedic fracture clinics.
June 2012
Barriers to screening for intimate partner violence.
May 2012
Screening for intimate partner violence in orthopedic patients: a comparison of three screening tools.
January 2011
The prevalence of intimate partner violence across orthopaedic fracture clinics in Ontario.
April 2010
PRevalence of Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence Surgical Evaluation (P.R.A.I.S.E.): rationale and design of a multi-center cross-sectional study.
April 2010
Pattern of physical injury associated with intimate partner violence in women presenting to the emergency department: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
July 2008
(Mis)perceptions about intimate partner violence in women presenting for orthopaedic care: a survey of Canadian orthopaedic surgeons.
July 2008
Child protection involvement and victims of intimate partner violence: is there a bias?
July 2008
Ontario chiropractors’ knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about intimate partner violence among their patients: a cross-sectional survey.
December 2006
Musculoskeletal manifestations of physical abuse after intimate partner violence.
June 2006
Chiropractors’ perceptions about intimate partner violence: a cross-sectional survey.